Apprentices, Graduates & Interns

Harnessing Neurodivergent Talent of the Future

Apprentices, Graduates & Interns:
Neurodivergent talent of the future


“Innovation calls on firms to include people and ideas from the edges.”

Bringing information on new ways of working, the latest technology, and a different mindset; apprentices, graduates and interns are our future leaders that will help innovate and drive your organisation forward.

Neuro-inclusive apprenticeships, graduate programmes, and internships are the perfect opportunity to kick start the careers of future talent, helping to drive innovation, inclusion and success throughout the organisation.

How can Lexxic help you?

We have a range of products and services available to support you on your journey in making your workplace neuro-inclusive:

  • Triage Process
  • In-depth Audits
  • ND Smart Self-Assessment Process
  • Awareness Workshops & Webinars
  • Neurotalent Unlocked - e-Learning Modules
  • Co-creating Policies & Strategies
  • Neurodiversity Passport
  • ...and more!

80% of Gen Z said they’d be more likely to apply for a job at a company that made space for the neurodivergent workforce.

- Tallo survey, 2021


It is paramount that every individual is given equal quality, experience, and opportunity of success. Removing barriers to the neurodivergent population is not only the right thing to do, but also the smart thing to do.

Let's chat about how Lexxic can support you today! 👇